Ppc Serial Ce

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Windows Standard

Serial Communications

for Windows / CE

Users Manual


Version 3.4

May 8, 2005

This software is provided as-is.

There are no warranties, expressed or implied.

Copyright C 2005

All rights reserved

MarshallSoft Computing, Inc.

Post Office Box 4543

Huntsville AL 35815 USA

Voice : 1-256-881-4630

FAX : 1-256-880-0925

email : info marshallsoft.com

web : www.marshallsoft.com

MARSHALLSOFT is a registered trademark of MarshallSoft Computing.


1 Introduction

1.1 Using Both WSC4eVC and WSC4eVB

1.2 Versions of Win/CE supported

1.2.1 Pocket PC PPC

1.2.2 Handheld PC HPC

1.3 Documentation Set

1.4 User Support

1.5 Ordering

1.5.1 Source Code

1.5.2 WSC/CE and WSC Discount

1.5.3 Academic Discount

1.5.4 Disk Only

1.5.5 Disk and Printed Manuals

1.6 Updates

1.7 Customer ID

1.8 License File

2 Applications Notes

2.1 Keycode License Key

2.2 USB Ports

2.3 Threads

2.4 SioPuts Notes

2.5 Hardware Flow Control Blocking

2.6 Bluetooth Serial

2.7 Emulation


3.1 XYM Introduction

3.2 XYM Example Programs

3.3 XYM Function Summary

4 Problems

5 Legal Issues

5.1 Registration

5.2 License

5.3 Warranty

6 Summary

6.1 WSC/CE Function Summary

The Windows/CE Standard Serial Communications Library WSC/CE is a powerful toolkit

that allows software developers to quickly develop serial port communications applications

for Windows CE and the Mobile-based Pocket PC. The Windows/CE Standard Serial

Communications Library WSC/CE SDK is a dynamic link library DLL that uses the standard

Windows/CE API Application Programmer s Interface.

There are two versions of WSC/CE: the Windows Standard Serial Communications Library

for eVC WSC4eVC and the Windows Standard Serial Communications Library for eVB

WSC4eVB. Both use the same Windows/CE DLL WSC32.DLL.

WSC4eVC requires Microsoft Embedded Tools 3 eVC3 or Microsoft Embedded Tools 4

eVC4. WSC4eVB requires eMbedded Visual Basic v3.0 eVB3 since VB is not supported in

Embedded Tools 4. Note that eVC3/eVB3 supports Pocket PC 2002 while eVC4 supports Pocket

PC 2003.

Both versions of Embedded Tools can be downloaded from the Microsoft Web site at:

en categoryid 8

The WSC/CE Serial Comm library can also be used with Bluetooth serial as well as with

the Pocket PC emulator that is provided with Microsoft Embedded Tools. This will allow a

programmer to develop serial communication applications without having the physical

Windows/CE device.

The latest versions of our serial communications software can be found at:

Programs written in both eVC eMbedded Visual C and eVB eMbedded Visual Basic use

the same WSC/CE DLL WSC32.DLL. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase only one of the

libraries in order to receive the registered DLL for use by both WSC4eVC and WSC4eVB.

The only differences between WSC4eVC and WSC4eVB are the Programmer s Manual and the example programs.

1.2 Versions of Win/CE Supported

WSC/CE supports Pocket PC 2002 and Pocket PC 2003 versions of Windows/CE.

Both WSC4eVC and WSC4eVB run on Pocket PC PPC computers PPC 2002 and PPC 2003, and use the same Win/CE Pocket PC DLL WSC32.DLL.

WSC4eVC will work with all Pocket PC platforms supported by Microsoft Embedded Visual C v3 eVC3 and Embedded Visual C v4 eVC4.

WSC4eVB will work with all Pocket PC platforms supported by Microsoft Embedded Visual Basic 3 eVB3.

Embedded Visual Basic Runtime for Pocket PC 2003 is available from Microsoft to allow VB3 programs to run on Pocket PC 2003 platforms. Search

for eMbedded Visual Basic Runtime for Windows Mobile-based Pocket PC 2003, or see

For the latest version of our serial communications software, see

Handheld PC HPC versions of the library LIB and DLL files WSC32.LIB and WSC32.DLL

are available on request at, although we do not have any HPC example programs.

The complete set of documentation consists of four manuals in three formats MS WORD,

ASCII text, and HTML. This is the second manual WSC_eUSR in the set.

WSC/CE Programmer s Manual WSC_4eVC or WSC_4eVB




Each manual comes in three formats:

Microsoft Word files ending in. DOC. The best format for printing manuals.

Hyper Text files ending in. HTM. Use any web browser to read.

ASCII Text files ending in. TXT.

The WSC_4eVC and the WSC_4eVB Programmer s Manuals are the language specific eMbedded Visual C and eMbedded Visual Basic manuals that provide information needed to compile mobile based application programs in an embedded environment


WSC_4eVC : WSC/CE Programmer s Manual for eMbedded Visual C

WSC_4eVB : WSC/CE Programmer s Manual for eMbedded Visual Basic

The WSC/CE User s Manual WSC_eUSR discusses language independent serial

communications programming issues such as modem control, Bluetooth, USB, threads, flow

control, emulation, etc. Ordering information is also provided in the manual.

The WSC Reference Manual WSC_eREF contains details on each individual WSC/CE


The Serial Communications Manual SERIAL contains background information on serial

port hardware.

Use Microsoft Word or Microsoft WordPad to print the document files. Documentation can

be accessed online at:

We want you to be successful in developing your applications using WSC/CE. We are

committed to providing the best library that we can. If you have any suggestions or

comments, please let us know.

If you are having a problem using WSC/CE, refer to Section 4.0 Problems. If you still cannot resolve your problem, email us at

info marshallsoft.com

To avoid having your email deleted by our spam scanners, begin the SUBJECT of your email with WSC4eVC or WSC4eEVB. Zip up any attachments and send plain ASCII text email only.

You can also reach us at 1-256-881-4630 between AM and PM CST Monday through Friday. You can also often reach us on Saturday.

The latest versions of our products are available on our web site at

and on our anonymous FTP sites at



Registered users can update to the latest DLL s at

A developer license for WSC/CE WSC4eVC or WSC4eVB may be purchased for 115 USD for email delivery, or 195 USD with source code for the DLL.

It is necessary to only register only one of the libraries in order to receive the registered DLL for use by both WSC4eVC and WSC4eVB. See Section 1.1 above.

The fastest and easiest way to order is on our web site at

You can also order by completing INVOICE.TXT contained within the WSC/CE zip file and

emailing info marshallsoft.com, mailing see our address at top, or faxing

1.256.880.0925 it to us.

Multiple copy discounts 3 or more and site licenses are available. Please call for


We accept American Express, VISA, MasterCard, Discover, checks in US dollars drawn on a

US bank, International Postal Money Orders, and purchase orders POs within the USA from

recognized US schools and companies listed in Dun Bradstreet.

For credit card orders, be sure to include the account number, the expiration date, the

exact name on the

credit card, and the complete card billing address the address to which the credit card

bill is mailed - not the bank s address. Please include the Card Verification Code last

3 numbers printed on the back of Visa, MasterCard and Discover cards, or the 4 numbers of

the front of American Express cards. The cardholder s signature is required on faxed


Print the file INVOICE.TXT if a Pro Forma invoice is needed. The registered package


WSC32 Library without the evaluation version popup window.

Telephone and email support for one year.

Free downloadable updates for one year

There are two ways to order Source Code for WSC/CE.

Source Code can be ordered at the same time as the Developer s License for 155 for


Source Code can be ordered within one year of purchasing a Developer s License for 50.

After one year, a Developer s License update 30 or 55 must be purchased prior to

purchasing the source code 50

Purchase both the Windows/CE embedded and Windows desktop Windows 95/93/ME/XP/NT/2000

versions of the MarshallSoft Serial Communication Libraries at the same time for 189

with source 279. Discount will be provided in the order confirmation sent to the

customer. This offer is not retroactive.

We offer an academic price of 30 off the normal price for prepaid email orders to

faculty and full time students currently enrolled in any accredited high school, college,

or university. To qualify for the discount, your school must have a web site and you must

have an email address at your school.

When ordering, ask for the academic discount, or enter student at or faculty at

and your schools web site address URL in the comments field of the order form on our web

site order page. Your order will be sent to your email address at your school.

This offer is not retroactive and cannot be used with any other discount. Products

bought with academic pricing are for educational purposes only.

The academic discount does not apply to source code.

1.5.3 Disk Only

When ordering WSC/CE, a 3.5 HD disk can be purchased for 5 for delivery to the, US,

Canada, and Mexico. For all other destinations, the cost is 8. A CD can be purchased

instead for an additional 3.

1.5.4 Disk and Printed Manuals

Printed manuals see Section 1.1 Documentation Set are the same as in the WSC/CE evaluation distribution. Printed manuals can be purchased for 20 for delivery to the US, Canada, and Mexico. For all other destinations, printed manuals are 25. Printed manuals also come with a 3.5 HD disk.


When you register the WSC/CE Serial Communication SDK you will receive a set of

registered DLLs plus a license file WSCxxxx.LIC that can be used to update the

registered DLL s for a period of one year from purchase. Updates can be downloaded


After one year, the developer license must be updated to be able to download updates.

The developer license can be updated for 30 if ordered within one year from the original

purchase or previous update. After one year, licenses can be updated for 55. Source

code can be updated for 25 in addition to the license update.

Note that the registered DLL s do not expire.

The Customer ID is the 4 or 5 digits following the product name WSC in the license

file. For example, customer 1234 will receive license file WSC1234.LIC. Provide the

Customer ID in the email Subject when contacting us for technical support WSC4C


When a developer license is purchased, the developer will receive a license file named WSCxxxx.LIC, where xxxx is the 4 or 5 digit customer ID. The license file is an encrypted binary file used for updating WSC as explained in section 1.6 Updates. The license file is required in order to create or update the registered DLL s.

2 Application Notes

When you register WSC/CE, you will receive a new set of DLL s and a key code for your

DLL s. Pass this keycode as the second argument to SioKeyCode. The keycode will be found

in the file named KEYCODE. The registered keycode is a 9 or 10 digit number. It is not

your Customer ID. The keycode for the evaluation shareware version is 0.

WSC/CE will work with USB ports which have a USB / Serial Port converter installed.

The Win/CE driver that comes with the USB / Serial Port converter will create a virtual RS232 serial port, and handle the conversion between RS232 serial data and USB data.

The Windows/CE Serial Communications Library WSC/CE is thread safe. Note that calling

SioEvent Port, EV_RXCHAR

will block the thread in which SioEvent is called. The blocking can be stopped by calling from another thread

SioSetInteger Port, S, 1 eVC

SioSetInteger Port, ASC S, 1 eVB

The SioPuts function can operate in two ways: 1 wait for completion and 2

immediate return.

In the first default way wait for completion, SioPuts will not return to the

caller until the entire contents of the buffer passed to SioPuts has been accepted by

the UART

In the second way immediate return, the contents of the buffer passed to SioPuts

is queued in the transmit TX buffer within Windows, after which SioPuts returns. This

means that SioPuts will return immediately, before any data is passed to the UART for

transmission. This allows the calling program code to continue processing at the same

time that the serial data is being transmitted.

In all cases, the value returned by SioPuts must be checked by the caller to determine the number of bytes actually accepted.

To enable the second method of operation immediate return for SioPuts, call SioInteger as follows before calling SioPuts.

SioSetInteger Port, WSC_WAIT_ON_PUTS, 1

If hardware flow control is set, and CTS is 0, your application will block until CTS is

raised by the serial device modem, etc.. To prevent blocking because there is no modem

connected, do this:

Call SioReset and check the return code.


If DSR is 0, then you are NOT connected to a modem.

If CTS is 0, then the modem has NOT enabled hardware flow control.

If DSR CTS are both not 0, set hardware flow control.

Another way to avoid blocking is to put the serial code in a Win32 thread. The thread

may block but your invoking code will not.

Bluetooth is a short range radio that can be used to connect two Bluetooth enabled

devices. Both Windows Standard Serial Communications Library for eVC WSC4eVC and the

Windows Standard Serial Communications Library for eVB WSC4eVB SDK can be used with

Bluetooth serial ports.

A PPC Pocket PC program using WSC/CE can communicate with any other Bluetooth enabled

device such as PPC s, HPC s, desktop / laptop PC s, GPS receivers, Smartphone, etc.

Bluetooth makes use of two virtual serial ports: one named inbound and the other

named outbound. For example, iPAQ 3970 uses COM7 for inbound and COM8 for outbound,

while the iPAQ 4355 uses COM8 for inbound and COM6 for outbound.

To discover which ports your machine is using, select the Bluetooth Manager, turn the

Bluetooth radio on, and then choose the Serial Port entry. The Bluetooth port

assignments cannot be changed.

The inbound port is for accepting inbound serial connections, and the outbound port

is for initiating outbound serial connections. The only difference between inbound and

outbound is which device initiates the serial connection over Bluetooth. Use the outbound

port to initiate the connection and the inbound port to accept the connection from some

other device. Once the Bluetooth connection is established, the one port is used for

normal serial communications in both directions.

Some Bluetooth devices require that they be configured as paired devices. For these

devices, follow the directions for the particular device.

For more information on Bluetooth, see

Example programs can also be compiled with the Pocket PC emulator that is provided with

Microsoft Embedded Tools. This will allow a programmer to develop serial communication

applications without having the physical Windows/CE device.

The following information, which is the same that is provided in the WSC/CE

Programmer s Manual, describes how to run the SimpleV4 example program on the PPC 2003

emulator, and assumes that you have installed WSC4eVC into the default directory


Run CopyDLLeVC.exe, choosing the PPC 2003 emulator version EMU. This will copy the PPC

2003 emulator DLL s to the COPY directory and the corresponding LIB s to the APPS


Start eVC4 Microsoft Embedded Tools 4.

Choose Tools/Configure Platform Manager, then choose POCKET PC 2003 Emulator, then

click Properties. Expand Startup Server then click Emulator Startup Server. Click

Configure button for the emulator startup server to open the Emulation Configuration

Settings dialog box. Expand Serial Port 1 and click to the port wanted COM1 to COM3.

Click Apply. Finally, push OK three times to return to eVC4.

From the menu bar, choose File/Open Workspace. Set Files of type: to Projects.

Load the eVC project SimpleV4.vcp. Check that POCKET PC 2003, Win32 WCE emulator Release, and Pocket PC 2003 Emulator are displayed.

Click Build/Rebuild All. Simple.cpp will be compiled to SimpleV4.exe and then uploaded to the emulator. Be sure that you are linking with the emulator version of WSC32.LIB.

Copy WSC32.DLL from the COPY directory to the same directory as SimpleV4.exe. For example:

COPY C: WSC4eVC COPY wsc32.dll APPS emulatorRel

Once the Pocket PC 2003 emulator pops up, click Emulator/File Sharing. Enable Share this folder: then enter the full path name of the folder that contains both SimpleV4.exe and WSC32.DLL. For example,

C: WSC4eVC APPS emulatorRel

Click Tools/Remote File Viewer. Then choose Pocket PC 2003 Emulator and File/Export File to upload WSC32.DLL to the emulator.

Click Build/Execute SimpleV4.exe to start execution.

For more information on using the emulator, search for Moving Files to and from the Emulator at


The XMODEM and YMODEM functions are implemented as DLL s Dynamic Link Libraries, in

XYM32.DLL, and are state driven like the Modem I/O functions described in the previous


Files can be sent and received using XMODEM, XMODEM/CRC, XMODEM/1K, and YMODEM. The

basic procedure used to run XMODEM and YMODEM is as follows:

Call xyAcquire immediately after calling SioReset.

To receive a file, call xyStartRx, then call xyDriver repeatedly until XY_IDLE is


To send a file, call xyStartTx, then call xyDriver repeatedly until XY_IDLE is

Call xyRelease immediately before calling SioDone.

Refer to XMODEM.TXT for more information on the internal operation of the XMODEM

protocol, and to YMODEM.TXT for more information on the internal operation of the YMODEM


There are four XMODEM and YMODEM example programs. Example programs are found in the

APPS directory, which is created when running SETUP.


XMR : XMODEM Receive.


YMR : YMODEM Receive.

xyAbort : Abort driver at any time.

xyAcquire : Acquire a port.

xyDebug : Set the debug level.

xyDriver : Executes the next state or states.

xyGetMessage : Get the next debug message.

xyGetParameter: Get a driver parameter.

xyGetFileName : Get name of file being sent or received.

xyRelease : Release a port.

xyStartRx : Start a receive.

xyStartTx : Start a transmit.

XySetString : Set parameter string.

Refer to the WSC/CE Reference Manual WSC_eREF for more information on individual XY

Modem functions XYM32.DLL.

If you cannot get your application to run properly, first compile and run the terminal

emulator program SIMPLE provided on your distribution disk. Test SIMPLE by connecting two

computers with a null modem cable or by commanding a Hayes AT command set compatible


If your application does not run but SIMPLE runs correctly, then you have most likely

made a programming mistake in your application. MarshallSoft Computing cannot debug your

application, especially over the telephone. However, consider each of the following when

searching for an error in your application.

Are the receive and transmit buffers large enough. Use a buffer size that is twice the

size of the largest expected block.

Have you selected too high a baud rate. Win/CE can multitask many tasks at once. You

may have to lower your baud rate.

Did SioReset return a zero value. If not, then the port is not open.

Did you send the proper initialization string to your modem. Did you set DTR and RTS.

you should.

Are you sure you have selected the correct CPU for your Win/CE machine. Also verify that

you are compiling for PPC 2002 or PPC 2003.

If you are using the registered version of WSC/CE and you are still getting the

evaluation screen, make sure you have deleted all copies of the WSC/CE evaluation DLL s in

the Windows search path.

Verify that you are linking your application with the correct version of WSC32.LIB or

XYM32.LIB. For example, if you are compiling for the eVC4 emulator PPC 2003, you must

link with the corresponding PPC 2003 emulator version of WSC32.LIB.

Verify that you are using either Embedded Tools v3.0 for PPC 2002 programs or Embedded

Tools v4.0 for PPC 2003 programs. Also note that project files for Embedded Tools v3.0

end with V3.vcp while project files for Embedded Tools v4.0 end with V4.vcp.

We recommend the following steps if you believe that you have discovered a bug in the


Create the smallest, simplest test program possible that demonstrates the problem.

Document your exact machine configuration and what error the test program


Email us the example source.

If the problem is an error in the library and can be solved with an easy work-around,

we will publish the work-around. If the problem requires a modification to the library,

we will make the change and make the modified library available to our customers without


See Section 1.5 Ordering for information on ordering.

MarshallSoft Computing, Inc. grants the registered user of WSC the right to use one

copy of the WSC DLL s on a single computer in the development of any software product. The

user may not use the library on more than one computer at the same time.

The student registered DLL s may not be distributed under any circumstances, nor may

they be used for any commercial purpose.

The professional registered DLL s may be distributed without royalty in object form

only, as part of the user s compiled application. The registered DLL s may NOT be

distributed as part of any software development system compiler or interpreter without

our express written permission. The source code for the library WSC32.CPP and XYM32.CPP

is copyrighted by MarshallSoft Computing and may not be released in whole or in part.












Some states do not allow the exclusion of the limit of liability for consequential or

incidental damages, so the above limitation may not apply to you.

This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Alabama and shall inure to

the benefit of MarshallSoft Computing, Inc. and any successors, administrators, heirs and

assigns. Any action or proceeding brought by either party against the other arising out of

or related to this agreement shall be brought only in a STATE or FEDERAL COURT of

competent jurisdiction located in Madison County, Alabama. The parties hereby consent to

in personam jurisdiction of said courts.

6.1 WSC Function Summary

Refer to the WSC/CE Reference Manual WSC_eREF for detailed information on the WSC/CE

functions. A one line summary of each function follows.

There are 33 functions in the WSC/CE library.

SioBaud Sets the baud rate of the selected port.

SioBrkSig Asserts, cancels, or detects BREAK signal.

SioCTS Reads the Clear to Send CTS modem status bit.

SioDCD Reads the Data Carrier Detect DCD modem status.

SioDebug Sets/Reads debug data.

SioDone Terminates further serial processing.

SioDSR Reads the Data Set Ready DSR modem status bit.

SioDTR Set, clear, or read the Data Terminal Ready DTR.

SioEvent Wait for specified event.

SioFlow Enables / disables hardware flow control.

SioGetc Reads the next character from the serial line.

SioGetReg Returns registration string.

SioGets Receives a string of characters.

SioGetus Same as SioGets but converts to 16-bit characters.

SioInfo Returns information such as library version.

SioKeycode Passes the keycode to WSC32.DLL

SioMessage Post message when event occurs.

SioParms Sets parity, stop bits, and word length.

SioPutc Transmit a character over a serial line.

SioPuts Transmits a string of characters.

SioPutus Same as SioPuts but converts to 16-bit characters.

SioReset Initialize a serial port for processing.

SioRI Reads the Ring Indicator RI modem status bit.

SioRTS Sets, clears, or reads the Request to Send RTS

SioRxClear Clears the receive buffer.

SioRxQue Returns the number of characters in the RX queue.

SioSetInteger Sets integer parameter.

SioStatus Returns the serial port line status.

SioTimer Returns the system times in milliseconds.

SioTxClear Clears the transmit buffer.

SioTxQue Returns the number of characters in the TX queue.

SioUnGetc Ungets puts back a specified character.

SioWinError Returns Win32 error message as text.

Find the appropriate download such as firmware, drivers, and software utilities for your product.

Nline ownloa www.advantech.com/products imensions nit mm A B C D E F PPC-L62T-R80-BXE PPC-L62T A. Serial Port RS-232/422/485 B. USB 2.0 x 4 C. Serial Port.

ppc serial ce

This software is provided by Future Technology Devices

International Limited as is and any express or implied warranties,

including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability

and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall

future technology devices international limited be liable for any

direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential

damages including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods

or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption

however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract,

strict liability, or tort including negligence or otherwise arising in

any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the

possibility of such damage.

FTDI drivers may be used only in

conjunction with products based on



drivers may be distributed in any form as long as license information is

not modified.

If a custom vendor ID and/or product ID or description

string are used, it is the responsibility of the product manufacturer to

maintain any changes and subsequent WHQL re-certification as a result of

making these changes.

Currently Supported VCP Drivers:

NOTE: Microsoft have ended support for certifying XP and VISTA through their WHCK test program. As such current builds will still work on XP and VISTA but are not Microsoft certified.

Also, as Windows 8 RT is a closed system not allowing for 3rd party driver installation our Windows 8 driver will not support this variant of the OS. You must use the Windows RT build for this platform

includes the following versions of Windows CE 4.2-5.2 based operating

systems: Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 SE, Windows Mobile 5,

Windows Mobile 6, Windows Mobile 6.1, Windows Mobile 6.5

No Longer Supported.

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RouterBoard RB1100AHx2 description. RB1100AHx2 is 1U rackmount Gigabit Ethernet router - with a dual core CPU, it can reach up to a million packets per second and.

TechNet Archive. In this section, you ll find the technical library and product documentation for older Microsoft products and technologies. This legacy information.

USB RS232 - FTDI designs and supplies USB semiconductor devices with Legacy support including royalty-free drivers. Application areas include USB RS232, USB Serial.

Emu48 for Win32 is celebrating it s 15 th birthday. In 1997 Sébastien Carlier published the first HP48 series freeware emulator for Windows 95.

Virtual COM Port Drivers